Shy Ann's Gestures
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Copyrights 1999. Please do not alter these gestures.

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Welcome to the 40ish hangout
You are the leading Asshole in the state!
It's about time the bars open! Barkeep! Get me a beer!
A survey from the chapstik lipbalm company is asking. Do you spit or swallow?
Damn mugs! Why must you needlessly complicate everything?
That's it! You just can't insult this guy! He just sits there grinning moronily
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is "MUD"!
I like playing with myself! I play with myself all day long!
Who the HELL are you!
Is your wig on too tight?
We will deal with your rebel friends soon enough!
Here's a quarter! Go buy yourself a clue!
You tiny, brained, wiper of other peoples bottoms!
Will a protologist please report to the emergency room! There's and asshole waiting!
If we are what we eat. I'm fast, cheap, and easy!
Go away or I shall taunt you a SECOND time!
Do NOT start with me. You will NOT win.
uuuuummmmmm....I'm pretty friggin' COOL!.
You're all I need to turn my world around
As long as I can remember, I've had amnesia
I went to a general store. They wouldn't let me buy anything specifically.
I get drunk just so I can sober up.
Could you continue your petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
When blondes have more they know it?
Are we dysfuntional yet?

Cat... the other white meat.
Geesh! Hurry up will ya!
Hush, Puppy! Get back under the porch!
Hello! I love ya! Won't you tell me your name?
The "IM's" splattered across my screen remind me of a windshield in grasshopper season!
There is a cop amongst us! Ass right there, Freezehole!
If you can't win, change the rules
Logic is a systematic method of coming to the wrong conclusion with confidence
Sell crazy someplace else..we're all stocked up here!
My horse got shot, so I had to break his leg
If God is watching us, the least we can do is be entertaining
Oh...Hello officer. Did you mistake our house for a donut shop?
Don't worry...I'll delete myself at the first sign of trouble.
"Dirty pool old man....I like it
"Keep it up, you'll be carrying your face home in a doggy bag!
OMG...Don't stop now!!!!!
I obviously don't know if I'm hungry or horny!
Did you know...the more you run over a dead cat, the flatter it gets!
Here I am! Now, what are your other two wishes?.
Hey little boy....You're a little young for me honey!
I am cleverly disguised as a responsible adult
You are not got Me!
Is that a warhorse you're mounted on, Sir Knight? Or have you got elephantitis?
Now that your at the end of your rope just tie and knot and SWING!
Those of you who think you know everything are very annoying to those of us who do!
Apparently, being human involves more than just two arms, two legs, and the occasional major orifice.
I'm multi-talented: I can talk and piss you off at the same time.

Virtual Places Stuff

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Halloween Gestures

I have many gestures. Far too many to add at one time.I will be adding more often. Please check back soon.

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If you wish a customized gesture, just put all the information inside my guestbook.
I will put your customized gesture on page four for you to pick up at your leisure

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