The Intro. ^_^
Ok. Hey,My name is Zach,and this is my third HomePage, and it sucks. thanks. read on!
Ok....i know some HTML now...but right now, I'm too lasy to do anything! so i wont! oh, and i like to draw Anime and Manga,i guess Art is my hobby....maybe some day i can make some money off it. ^_^
Sorry if this here page is a little boring right now...
Friends and other Related Links.
My Eclipse page i havent updated in a while!!!Go!!Michelle's Page
This page is really kewl,so go here when your done with mine,AsIaN PrYdE!!
Linzie's Homepage!Then,theres Linzie,She has a really cool Homepage that you should get over to too!
SIV's Homepage!and since i vowed to always put up only the best homepages so i dont waste your time,SIV's Homepage uses some killer frames!(with special effects!); )WOW heh
Sara's Psycho Homepage!oops....i let a piece of crap slip through..hehe JUST KIDDING! this page is neato too ; ).
I'm downsizing right now, so theres not alot of stuff here for the moment..(sorry for all these random comments)
Ok, a few things about me?(besides the little teeny bit on my 'me' section so far....
The car's i like the most are....1981 Z28 Camaro's, Explorers (want to modify my mom's ; )..Eclipses(too much money...ruled out, Integras,Civics,etc etc..
I Love basically all types of Music,some of the bands and groups i like alot are MasterP, RadioHead, MiaX, Busta, Timbaland and Magoo, and uhhh.....SPICE GIRLS!!!!!!!!! JUST KIDDING! ^_^hehe and some other groups too numerous to name. Some Other Bands that are Coming (a few months ago) Downtown where i live,or that came last month are...OurLadyPeace,Offspring,311,SugarRay,Lords of Acid,Buck O Nine!and More which i dont remember at the moment.. ; ) And thats alittle more info(If you wanted to know,if you didnt,i'm sure you've already skipped this..)
I'll have some Pic's of me up really soon,this week hopefully.
I got a role of new film developed and am just waiting to go over to my Aunt's house and get some scanned,(and also watch some Bigscreen tv) ; ),yup.
and also,while i'm there i'll probably scan in some artwork that got lost for a couple months. ; )GRR!
Ok,so,What did you think of my new page?
its kind of crappy,i have to work out some html bugs and things....Hope ya like whut i have so far; )
 I didnt draw thisOKs,NOW im about done talking, I update this thing alot,so its always under construction,see ya SOON. ; )
My Data Analysis. = )
Name |
Zach |
Birthday |
August.22,1981 |
Height |
6'. |
Weight |
170 or so.And Im not fat! amazing! |
Age |
16! |
There you go.! Oh,and i am Mostly 'Caucasian(however you spell it, with a little little little Indian and other various things.) ; )
This page is... |
Does it suck right now? |
YES. |
Will it be better |
maybe..? |
Should i shut up? |
Yes. |
Do you love my page? |
I know you do,so i wont let you respond to yourself even. ; ) |
Overall Rating |
99.9 percent perfect.; )! |
This is my official stats and what will happen and how i feel,your welcome. ; )
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This many people have been here since July 10th,1997
This page wuz began on July 10th,1997,and aint stoppin till you tell me whut tha dilly. (man am i corny...) ; )
pssst............Yo carro taco bell.
© 1997 zculver@digmo.org
Ahh!you can't see his hair! ; ).oh well,..I drew this on 'Paint' (with my computer with a mouse) (I'm better at art now,but i decided to keep this here,Cause it took along time to do!! ^_^
See ya later! come back!...and sign my guestbook! |