Welcome to Silver Reflections: A mirage of your imagination.

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You are listening to Girls Just Wanna Have Fun by Cyndi Lauper.

This page hasn't been updated in a while because I have been off the net for so long but hopefully I can return to my work soon.

This is Bartok a very cute Russian bat from the movie Anastasia. He watches over this page.

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In Loving Memory
A Devilish Grin
(a little about me)

Devious Lives
(where one girl must save the world from Vampires....)

  • One of my all time favorite past times is reading. In this section you will find a bit about my favorite books. The Wind Blows Backward by Mary Downing Hahn

    The book is about two seniors that when they were in Junior High they were best friends but when they got into High School they go their seperate ways. Soon the shy Lauren finds that the all popular Spencer is back in her life. Both are looking to each other in a different way. Lauren is falling in love and Spencer is couting on Lauren to help him survive. A great book!

    Copyright 1993 Mary Downing Hahn. Click here to visit A Turn in Sanity
    (my reading zone)

    When I was little I used to watch t.v. when I got home at 5:00 in the afternoon, one of my favorites was Swans Crossing. When it was canceled I was so upset ( just like now when my favorites get canceled ) recently I found a site on it. I was thrilled! I thank all those people who made the sites.

    "As long as I have my lemonade and cookies, life will be okay!"Glory Booth

    Click here to visit one of the best teen T.V. shows ever!

    I LOVE to get mail ~E-mail me at silvergem1@juno.com
    Come and visit some of my add on pages, My Buffy Page | My Reading Zone | It's all about me | My poetry page on a serious subject: Drinking and Driving | Dawson's Creek Page |My Vid Cap Gallery | Disturbing Behavior | Hope Floats

    My Awards!


    Remeber Diana. Princess to the world.

    Save the Panda

    Back ground provided by Magicklass

    Relativity is all me
    (that's my copyright)

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