Julie's Place

Please excuse this mess. I am (STILL) re-doing my entire page. If you'd like to see my page that used to be, click here. Otherwise, please stop back later and check out the redecoration. :) I'll keep adding sections as I complete them, or at least have them semi-suitable for public viewing. I know I've said forever that I'd do this after I graduated. I lied, OK? Deal with it! *lol* I started working in a correctional facility, and it has taken every bit of energy I have. I'll try to make a new page soon. I'm on the upswing these days, and hopefully, I can get back to this! I really think I had forgotten..

I've started on a writing section. Most are inspired by events in my life. If you'd like to check that out, please click here.

And here is the section that's about me - still very much under construction, and a lot of basics. Details will be added later, most likely on separate pages, but we'll see where it all goes as I continue to work. If you'd like to find out about me, click here.

I just finished a page of some of my favorite quotes that I've collected over the years. If you'd like to take a look at these, please click here.

Well...a personal note. Jody, if you're out there...holla at me. There's a lot I ought to aologize for, and we both know this. I want to do it sincerely this time. Anyways, I'm out.

For now, you can e-mail me.

Background provided by Infinite Fish, to whom I humbly bow down.

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