Hello everyone, and welcome to my world or "home" on the net, benvenue, ciao, gruess gott, guten Tag, hola, servus, good'day, salue ......to all my friends that visit here from all over the world, to all of you, living in the USA and Europe.
I have created this site in 1997 and it was done all "by hand", meaning no software! At that time people still did that! :)) ... Guys who think there is interested reading are welcome to look around, but I am afraid most of the stuff here is more "female" oriented. However, the bookmarks are interesting (all 2500+ of them) :) and perhaps the favored quotes! I had planned to have many pictures here of cities I traveled to but this plan is on hold until indefinite. It would take a lot of time I don't have right now. I have posted family/(ex)house pictures on this family page! Yes, there are pictures of me too! :) A not so new edition is my recipe page on which I show you "from scratch" recipes for my favored dishes! (US, TexMex, German):). My cat's own little page which makes for nice reading when laughter is needed and much more reading. So, there is plenty to go around for everyone. Two more pages for two cities, Tampa and Munich with links and info for tourists or people who live there. (see below)
I lived in lovely Tampa or socalled Tampa Bay, (Picture) Florida and moved there in 1991 from cold Bremerhaven Germanyin theNorthern Area. I had been back in Germany in 1991/92 then in 1998-2000 but decided to go back to Florida at that time. Although I have had rough seas off and on during the past years, I like it there, and still do. My heart is there always. Most of my relatives and friends of course still live in Germany. Meanwhile I headed back to Germany in 2001 due to some real bad luck, and some familiy problems, which forced me to make decisions. So I was trying to establish a life and home back in my former hometown Bremerhaven. After having been back here for a 8! years now, and having the worse time of my life behind me - I am trying to recover and get ground under my feet. I could not find work the first two years and then went "jobbing". After that I started my own business and managed to get along, but meanwhile I had to stop it because my main 2 customers went bankrupt that time, and new ones could not be found quick. After that I was lucky again to find a job with a 2 year contract, but it was not extended. I mailed applications again, and was lucky AGAIN finding a very nice job with sweet people until last Christmas, when I was layed off angain due to "budgetary constraints". They pulled my heart out. During the past 5 years I took care of my mother too, and the last 2 years of her illness I cared for her intensively. She passed away in August 2007. She did not have an easy way from this world... and seeing it was a hurtful experience. Every day for 6 weeks we watched her die. BUT.... life does GO ON.... and I started jobbing for a temp agency in Januar and beginning March 1st, 2009 I am starting a new job in "Cuxhaven", actually close to a nice beach there. If it is what I think it can get very nice to work as a "sales assistant/Secretary", lets hope! I need a car too, and instead of buying some old thing, I went and bought my "dream car" - used - but for a very good price! My dream is a Peugeot 206/ 307 CC, and I got a 206CC. Off and on the mind wonders though... and I wish I could go along....back to Tampa Florida ...:-)
So, enjoy yourself in my world. If you like to, send me an e-mail. I am always happy to hear from someone.![]()
Thank you for stopping in.
Take care,Kris
1999, � Copyright Kirsten Robertson
My other pages:
- [Audrey Hepburn]
- [Anthony Hopkins]
- [Bremerhaven] Info page of my (ex)"hometown"
- [another Bremerhaven site]
- [Cary Grant]
- [David J.Elliot]
- [Princess Diana]
- [Everglades Preservation/Restructuring]
- [Family...pic's]
- [Favored quotes](German/English)
- [Links]Large!!otherwise go bookmarks
- [Mosel Valley]MY Mosel Valley :)...(info & links)
- [Munich Info]a page useful for Tourists
- [My Life]
- [Recipes]American, TexMex, Deserts etc.
- [Resume](professional)
- [Sail2000]
- [Samys Page]
- [Sissi Memory Page](in German)
- [Tampa :) ]Info page w/links for my "hometown" :)
- [Travel]
- [Weihnachtstreffen Mue]
- [Zodiac](a bitlarge)
My interests:
Art and Artists
Movies/TV + Movies , Movies, Movies.... :))))
Music: Classical and Opera
Music: R&B, Soul
News/Current Events
Personal Finance/Investment
Small/Home Office
Web Publishing/Design
Die naechste Sail ist 2010 in Bremerhaven! Info gibts hier: