::Update, 6/30/03::

Ok, so much to my surprise, despite my neglect, this page is still getting hits... I don't know if its from that lingering Exploding Dog link, or what - but someone is still poking around here.

Yes, yes, I still haven't bought hosting; during this last semester I simply couldn't afford it, but with my summer job I can, and will. I don't have a lot of time to work on the site yet, so we're still a little ways off, but I honestly mean soon this time. So, here's what's in store: I want to make shrink-wrapped.net a little more... community oriented. So, what that means is basically that since I don't have so much time to post pictures, I want to make the site more blog-ish, but open it up to friends of mine, since blogging isn't really my strong point. In addition, I hope to get some sort of forum system thrown up, to whatever people I manage to pull in a place to talk about things without being able to post to the main page. Hope something in that sounds at least vaguely interesting to people...

So, if you're interested in helping out with the community blog (particularly if you know...I actually know you in real life) drop me a line.


So, here's the deal - I think I'm going to end up splurging and hosting my site on a 3rd party server, which is both good and bad. Good in the sense that they give fast servers, which means my page will load for everyone much faster than it did when I was hosting it myself. Bad, because I have to spend the money to get hosted. Hopefully I'll manage this in the near near near future (I know I've been saying that for awhile now). Shrink-wrapped.net is not dead. It's just resting. To keep maybe some sort of interest....here's a little peek at what the new site is going to look like...click!

Don't forget to change the [at] if you email me!