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The Machine

Apparently lamchine@geocities.com stopped working, so please use lamachine.geo@yahoo.com.

Updated again, in case you have been following from home. Lots of stuff going on with me of late, some worth linking, and some not. Follow the appropriate links (* indicates not yet linked) if you are interested in; my trip to Paris, my trip to Sydney and Melbourne*, my road trip* around the western states, my new road bike*, my new flash equipment* (still searching for open minded and/or creative models), or back care* (external link).

News: I was working towards a hundred mile bike ride, when I screwed up my back. This was no minor tweak, but one that kept me down for over a month away from work. One of the interesting side effects was a gain of 38 lbs (or ~16 kilo) in two months time. I don't do things half way apparently!

Things continue to move nicely in my little digs in Dublin, CA.

The living room prints. These versions really don't do the prints justice. But they at least give you an idea. Hopefully you can visit me and see the real thing.

A different spin.
Portrait of a Friend

She was a bit surprised to see herself bigger than life.

What does your reflection show?
9.5x14 canvas
Hannah's 3rd

My latest "style".
11x13 glossy
Luna Park

Yes, it is real, not a composite pic.
9.5x14 canvas

I have acquired a new interest that is rapidly becoming an addiction. I bought a bicycle to try to see the area, get some excercise, and try this mountain biking thing everyone is doing. I have now put nearly 1500 miles on the thing, and try to ride every other day. My normal ride is up to 20 miles (32km) now, and I am in the market for a real road bike. It is amazing how adaptable the mind is. I used to look at the riders and comment how (ahem) unique their fashion choices were. I now find myself riding shamelessly down the road with my "Oh so chic" bike shoes, my fanny pack (or bum bag to those sniggering at my Sepo phrases), and topped off with a helmet, sunglasses and headphone so I think I quite resemble a bug! (Those with weak constitutions should stop reading here) I am actually considering getting a pair of those bike shorts. I know it's awful, but after 30 or 40 miles, comfort starts to matter a lot. (You all may now continue reading) I have two goals in this endevor. I want to run a triathalon, and I want to ride a "century" or 100 mile race. Please note I did not use the word "compete" in reference to these. The journey to accomplishing these will be it's own reward.

The new wardrobe needs an explanation of it's own. The first thing I have to say is Thank you, Mary! I have been trying to look a bit better, get in better shape, and take care of myself more. The biggest challenge I faced was clothes. Mary always looks a million dollars, keeps up with what is fashionable, and had an eye for what looks good. I told her my budget, and let her loose on my closet. She had me get rid of TONS of clothes. The embarrasing part of that was she could actually name the year I bought most of them. 6 or 8 bags to the Goodwill or trash shoot and we were ready to shop. We blew through my budget by about 25%, but it was a lot of fun. My next step is lessons on what acually looks good together. She tried to pick things that were easy to combine, but I was more creative than she though.

Until this page has a little cleaner, more efficient design, here is prior index page to take you to the various stuff.

By the way, who the hell is La Machine? Look here.

This page is being held together just because I hate to see it stop, but I am working on a number of other things in my life, and will get back to the web when time and bandwidth permits..

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Email me at lamachine.geo@yahoo.com
Please come back soon and visit me. Have a nice day ;-)