Welcome to my lil bit of cyber country!

~Beaches of Cheyenne~ by Garth Brooks

Click for Redding, California Forecast Click for Dallas, Texas Forecast Click for Saint Joseph, Missouri Forecast Click for Oroville, California Forecast

Most of you know me as:

~ Well I will let you in on a lil secret *smile* my real name is Laura,
and I would like to welcome you to my Cyber Home/Ranch
~ it is a lil combination of Texas and California all blended together...just like me *L*~

I am glad you stopped in for a visit *Big Warm Smile*. Grab ya a cup of coffee and put your feet up 'cuz I sure hope you stay a while and browse.

Check back often ~ I am constantly making changes!!

Okay, bet by now you are wonderin' how to get around this page...well..this thing below looks like an innocent map of the state of Texas, but if you move your pointer around to each of the cities, it will take you to a different sections of my homepage *very big smile*
Pretty Kewl huh?

Okay I can't take sole credit for this one *S*. Midnight Cowboy ~my hubby~ did lots of the coding. Check it out and lemme know what you think!

P.S. ~~there is a legend below to tell what each town links you to! Have fun!
Now you need to click on the map not the legend *Laughing*

My Friends Page ~ they are great people! Please Sign my Guestbook so I know you were here....Guestbook Ahead! The Names you can find me chatting under My Stats and Such Poetry by Texas Devil Okay, the picts of me *L* My WBS Homepage My Favorite Chat Sites Web Rings! The Chat Divas My Favorite Links Under Const. Under Const.

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