I don't even know what I did to make this NOT page work!*L* So here is my New one!
Thanks for dropping into my little space on the web. Please let me know that you were here by signing my guestbook *Smile* Yes... I am begging *Big Puppy Eyes*
Kay..a little bit about Becca. I am a 29 and holding...SINGLE *Wink Wink* Momma to a wonderful son named Chad. He is 9 year old, going in to the third grade, and loves to play Baseball, soccer Pokemon and loves to be a boy. He likes to spend as much time as he can with His daddy, at grandma's and Papa's. His favorite person in the world is my twin sister Rachel. He is her "little Guy". Boy....Does he know it to *LOL*. We live in Washington State in a town called Puyallup.(pew-al-up) While Chad is at school getting smarter and smarter everyday*Big Ass Mommy Smile*...I am off to work, I work at a Casino...YES!! a REAL Casino*L* I work in the Cage...basically it is the money exchange ( yes..they trust blondes with all that money *Giggle*)And just think..they also put me in charge...Ohhhhh what a scary thought eh *Grin*
My all about Chad page.This is my lil prince...and the most precious thing to me.
Here is the Picture page... Pics of Becca, Rachel (Becca's twin sister), My Nine year old son, and my family. Most of theses are old pictures..all the news ones are on the webcam page *S*
NEW!!!!! WebCam pics *grin* August 21 2000
My Twin sister now has her own website... take a look *Smile*
So if you see what you like..or would like to learn more..there are a few ways to get a hold of me..Thru AOL..SwtBecca71...thru ICQ...Or thru Email. Now you can't say that I was playing hard to get *Grin* I'm not hard to get...Just hard to keep *Wink*
A very special person wrote this about me..if you knew me a few years ago..it would make hella sense....just a very special poem...thanks Grant...I miss ya hon*hugs*
I LOVE marine life..totally into Dolphins and Whales..some Pics!
Ladies...Need some Advice???*LOL*
Added on 4/25/99
Thanks For Dropping By My Lil Space on the web *Smile*
This Page was Updated on Sept 30,2000
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