To learn some stuff about me, Grant "The Geek" Darigol, click on this thingy here.
The majority of this site has been dedicated to the greatest man of our time. He took his first breath on October 23, 1959. Took his first accordion lesson on October 22, 1966. Graduated from Lynwood High at the age of 16 as the valedictorian of his senior class. Attended college at The California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, California, where he recorded his first big hit song in the bathroom across the hall from the on campus radio station in which he worked. Yes, as you should know by now, I'm talking about none other than..

Alfred Matthew Yankovic

more commonly known as
Image provided courtesy of Jon "Bermuda" Schwartz.
For those of you not familiar with the rest of Al's band members, I will use the above picture to educate thee. The guy on the far left is Jon "Bermuda" Schwartz, the drummer. Next to him is Jim West, the guitarist. The next fellow over is...... well, if you don't know who that is, you came to the wrong page, buddy. And finally, there is the bass player, Mr. On-the-far-right-of-the-picture, Steve Jay.
Click here for a review of the Bad Hair Tour concert in Spokane, WA.

Here are some of my favorite links to other neat Al pages.

Click here for the extremely well done Yahoo! parody, Yankovic!
Click on this one for Bermuda's own page
Clcik here for what I have been told is the first Al page on the net.
Click for Mark "Mucko" Turetsky's page.

Cool Al information!

This link carries you to Bermuda's latest news on Al.
The ever mysterious connections between Weird Al and the number 27 can be found here.
The lyrics to Al's songs can be attained at this connection.

Stanley Spadowski's thought provoking and inspirational speech on life from UHF.

Pictures from Bermuda's huge gallery
This links you to the Yankovic! page of sound links.

This link will take you to the page with some sounds in Mac format.

As this page is constantly under construction, more and more Al stuff will hopefully be on the way.

COMING SOON: Lyrics to a home-spun parody in tribute of the Weird One himself! Again, if I ever get off my lazy butt.