Hey, I'm mystel! I love poetry, and plan to put poems here that I've come to love. Right now, I leave only a few, though.. enjoy!

The Night I Met You

I'm remembering the night I met you.
Even then, I didn't have a clue.
You gave me a friendly smile,
Then sat to talk to me for a while.
I could tell you were one of the nice guys,
When I looked into your big, blue eyes.
And now I'm beginning to see
That you're far more than I thought you'd be.
You've given me friendship, respect, and love.
Sometimes I'm convinced you were sent from above.
I wasn't looking for love--it's true,
But love is what I found the night I met you.

Sandra Chambless, Bellamy, Ala.

I was Beautiful

That my being who I am
I should ever even feel pretty,
But with you,
I felt beautiful,
Top-of-the-world beautiful.

That I changed
And began to believe
While with you,
I was beautiful,
Drop-dead, knock-out beautiful.

But now,
It's just plain ol' me again
The clock struck midnight,
But it's all right
Because for a short while
I was in the spotlight;
I was Cinderella
With her fellow.

That you're leaving so soon
And taking my heart with you.
But that's all right
Because for a while
I was beautiful.

Roxanne Turner, Lumberton, TX


A Last love,
proper in conclusion,
should snip the wings
forbidding further flight.
But I, now,
reft of that confusion,
am lifted up
and speeding toward the light.

Maya Angelou


One by one, like leaves from a tree,
All my faiths have forsaken me;
But the stars above my head
Burn in white and delicate red,
And beneath my feet the earth
Brings the sturdy grass to birth.
I who was content to be
But a silken-singing tree,
But a rustle of delight
In the wistful heart of night--
I have lost the leaves that knew
Touch of rain and weight of dew.
Blinded by a leafy crown
I looked neither up nor down--
But the little leaves that die
Have left me room to see the sky;
Now for the first time I know
Stars above and earth below.

Sara Teasdale

I Shall Not Care

When I am dead and over me bright April
Shakes out her rain-drenched hair,
Though you should lean above me broken-hearted
I shall not care.

I shall have peace, as lofty trees are peaceful
When rain bends down the bough;
And I shall be more silent and cold-hearted
Than you are now.

Sara Teasdale

Find An Empty Place

Knowing it will never be except in dreams of you
Memories of a touch of love for me to hold to
I really don't like the reality I live through
If I make a wish please give it a chance to come true.

Page through my heart and find the empty space
Write there it's okay I fall in love with you
Just a chance once a day to look at your face
Make believe that I am the only one you love too.

Indulge my dreams that beg for this chance
Closest to your lips is to hear my name
I'll be satisfied with what's left over
Just by sweeping up the love you throw away.

Cpyright 1990 James R. Wright

Touches of the Heart

Your tender touches penetrate
Into my deepest dreams;
Caressing wishes in my soul,
And probing love supreme.
I feel you deep inside me
Even when we lie apart,
For your love is with me always,
Beating strongly in my heart.

Vikkie Lyn

Listen to the Mustn'ts

Listen to the mustn'ts, child,
Listen to the don'ts
Listen to the shouldn'ts
The impossibles, the won'ts
Listen to the never haves
Then listen close to me--
Anything can happen, child,
Anything can be

Shel Silverstein

The Spell

With first your glance
So hopelessly am caught
This silent dance
Too long that I have sought.

The spell was cast
A touch that melts within
My love at last
A miracle begins.

A joyous song
Where loneliness once loomed
To yearn so long
This spirit all consumed.

I am bewitched
The prisoner that you quell
My life enriched
A captive of the Spell.

Debbie Lemon

Welcome to the Cemetery Gate

If you come wearily,
Here shall be rest for you.
If you come sorrowing,
Here will be love for you.
Under our thatch, friend,
Peace shall abide for you.
Touch but the latch, friend,
The door will swing wide for you.

I dreamed of a wedding of elaborate elegance...
A church filled with flowers and friends...
I asked him what kind of wedding he wished for--
He said one that would make me his wife.

Love's Mystery

A starlight of love
Where none was before.
A mysterious figure
Who opens the door.
A flame of passion
that now burns bright.
A soothing massage
of brilliant light.
A wonder, a mystery,
It opens the heavens,
it gives hope to wings.
This thing called love.

Jennifer Miller, Orange Park, FL

Today I passed you on the street
You gave a smile as our eyes did meet
In the rush of the day
There was only time
To take a picture within my mind
But later sometime at my apartment again
When the dark of the night and the lonelies set in
I'll flip the pages of my mind
And the picture of you I will find
Then through the night I will hold you
A stranger that I never knew

And I can only hope
That it might be
Is holding me

Copyright 1981 Javan

If we must part
Then let's part with gentle words
Words like
"Thank you for the good times"
"May God go with you"

For in so doing
We not only protect
The precious memories that we've shared
But we also leave the door open
Should our circumstances ever change

Copyright 1981 Javan

One day as I walked
Alone in the park
Watching the ducks in the water
And the birds in the air
Enjoying the blissful solitude

I noticed a young couple
Walking together hand in hand
And when stopped
And touched her face
Then kissed her gently

My solitude turned to loneliness

Copyright 1981 Javan

Can I live without you
Now that I know you
Now that I know you exist

Can I sleep at night
Without seeing your smile
Now that I've seen it for real

Can I be the same
Now that I've changed
With the gentle touch of your hand

Now that I'm divided
By my need for you
Without you
Can I be whole again

Copyright 1979 Javan

There is no one
Who can hurt me
Like myself
For I can take a simple statement
And twist it around in my mind
Till my body trembles with pain
And I wonder how anyone
Can be so cruel
To say such a thing

Yes, given enough time
My imagination
Can make the proverbial mountain
Out of a molehill

Copyright 1984 Javan

I am not very good
At this Game called Life
For I've not learned to see children crying
Without feeling pain
For I've not learned to watch animals destroyed
Without wondering why
For I've not yet met a king or celebrity
That I would bow down to
Or a man so insignificant
That I would use for a stepping-stone
For I've not learned to be a "yes man"
To narrow minded bosses
Who quote rules without reason
And I've not learned to manipulate
The feelings of others
To be used for my own advantages
Then cast aside as I see fit

No, I am not very good
At this Game called Life
And if everythign goes well
Maybe I never will be

Copyright 1984 Javan

So often we reach out
And offer that which we have to give
To someone who has no need
Or does not recognize the value of our gift
Thus our gift goes unreceived
Through no fault of our own
And this rejection causes pain

But the real tragedy occurs
When someone comes along
Who has a need for
And recognizes the value
Of what we have to give
But because the memory of rejection
Is still fresh on our mind
We are no longer
Reaching out

Copyright 1984 Javan

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