Where would America be ,
without the feet of the black man,
the spine of his woman and the hands of their children
with the character of our generations?
What would be the face of America
if it had not needed the strength of our shoulders to build,
or the warmth from our bosoms to embrace
and the youthfulness of our souls to survive?
Would this Nation be so great!
Had it not been for the black man's sweat,
the black woman's tears and their children's blood
that marked ropes hanging from trees and became
communion in the streets when dem damn YANKEES
burned the gates of the South?
If it were not for us
would there even be an America, a Nation, or a World?
For we are the fertility within the belly of the Earth.
We are as much a part of the Earth as the land and her seas.
We are vast - like all great Bodies!
We are the Kings, and Queens, and Knights
that became wise from martyrdom.