The name

The nicknames
MsJazz, Ladyja, Jabo, Jazz, Jazzmatazz (courtesy of Da Don Miko)

  The birth
Feb. 17, 1979

The zodiac sign

The chinese sign
Goat aka Ram

The location
St. Louis, MO
Born and Raised

The description
A 24 yr. old Black woman, 5'5, neck length hair, anything beyond that description you have to email me.:)

The aspiration
I am currently enrolled in college.  With a major in computer technology. I want to learn about the programming applications as well as the computer hardware itself. So most likely I will be in Management Information Systems. After obtaining my B.S. and M.S., I hope to move to the east coast to live and work of course. MAYBE get married and who knows what else.

The interests
Well as you can see already one of my interests are computers along with electronics. America Online is basically my lifeline when I get home.  But that doesn't mean I don't have a life without it.  I love playing video games and going to arcades during SOME of my spare time.  Like most normal people I also enjoy going to the mall (Galleria, Northwest Plaza, Jamestown, Chesterfield) and shopping like crazy.  Hanging out with friends, going to the movies (Esquire, Northwest Square, Halls Ferry), and many other things I like to squeeze into my schedule.

I love sports!!! Playing and watching, especially basketball, football, tennis, and volleyball. I also enjoy spending time alone just taking walks, going to the art & history museum, Science Center, or the zoo. Long drives with the windows down are also a nice way to unwind and relax.  I also like to stimulate the mind by reading interesting books such as Horror, Science Fiction, Romance, and Mystery.  Poetry is something else I also enjoy.  I usually write my poetry when I am in a sullen mood.  That's when my best work comes out.

I also enjoy walking the Delmar Loop strip.  It's real pretty at night with the street lit up and the people just laughing and having a good time.  THE Blueberry Hill Restaurant and Cicero's down there are EXCELLENT. I highly recommend. Another strip that is nice is the Central West End. They have some interesting little shops and excellent coffee shops. Coffee is another love of mine. I LOVE STARBUCKS!!!!!!!!!

The Dislikes
With as many interests that I have of course I am going to have just as many dislikes.  For starters I don't drink or smoke.  I believe in a pure mind and body.  but that doesn't mean I condone my friends for doing it. Hey do what you feel just don't try to persuade MY judgment. I don't like that.  I also hate people who lie to others.  That is just a HUGE turnoff. If I feel that every other word coming out of your mouth is fiction, then you just need to go.  People who abuse friendships are also another problem.  Don't take for granted what people will do for you out of the kindness of their heart.  If you piss them off they might only do it for how much you have in your pocket or not do a damn thing at all.  Then you will really be screwed. I am just going to stop here with the dislikes but don't worry that doesn't mean I don't HAVE anymore, it's just that I like to keep some to myself. hehehe

Mr. Right
I've added this part in here becuz I have received ALOT of messages askin me what qualities do I look for in a man. Honesty is first and FOREMOST. If you can't or WON'T be upfront with me, you are just wastin your time, becuz you've already been dismissed from my thoughts. I've been thru too much bull**** from my past to not learn SOMETHING.  Education is important to me, I'm not in school for the hell of it, I'm in it to better myself and I expect the person I'm interested in to also have that same drive for himself. Ethnicity is not a problem for me, if you treat and show me respect you will get it in return FROM me regardless of color. He def. has to have a sense of humor becuz I might do somethin a lil crazy. lol. I enjoy sports so he's just gonna HAVE to enjoy them as well.;) I Love video games if you haven't already read that above. IN my room ALONE, I have a XBOX, Gamecube, PS2, PS1, Dreamcast, Gameboy color, Gameboy Advance, N64. Some people think I'm a tomboy and I can be at times. So trust me I know how to hang with the fellas as well as the ladies. Affection and Romance is also on the list. Not like what you see in the Novels (well maybe;0) but let me know that I'm appreciated and that you do value my time. I love computers and electronics. So if I'm in an electronic store you just have to be patient. Oh and another thing I'm not a money hungry-ho (yes that is the correct spelling, a HUNGRY-HOE would be a starving gardening tool) like some female types out there. If I can't get it myself, I sure as Hell am not about to ask you to get it for me. Who knows you might want to after you get to know me, but rest assure I can pay my way AND yours (if I choose;O)I'm not out to put a noose around your neck to get you into a relationship, or have you Knock me up with a kid in HOPING you will see THE LIGHT and want to stay with me FOREVER (I make no apologies ladies you know who you are, that is such Bull****, PRETTY WOMAN was only a movie), trust me you'll know if I'm interested in you to the point that I want to go the next level. To me the best relationships are those that are FRIENDSHIPS first. If something is meant to grow from it, then it will make it's own course, don't rush things. You have to be COMFORTABLE around me, don't put on a front, just be yourself.  That's what will attract me to you and KEEP that attraction going.

Today(6.4.03) one of my best friend's sent me this poem and I thought I would share it with you, for you fellas out there I hope u do take this to heart.

How to Recognize a Good Woman

A good woman is proud of herself. She respects herself and others. She is aware of who she is. She neither seeks definition from the person she is with, nor does she expect them to read her mind. She is quite capable of articulating her needs. A good woman is hopeful. She is strong enough to make all her dreams come true. She knows love; therefore she gives love. She recognizes that her love has great value and must be reciprocated. If her love is taken for granted, it soon disappears. A good woman has a dash of inspiration and a dabble of endurance. She knows that she will, at times, have to inspire others to reach the potential God gave them. A good woman knows her past, understands her present and moves toward the future. A good woman knows God. She knows that with God the world is her playground, but without God she will just be played. A good woman does not live in fear of the future because of her past. Instead, she understands that her life experiences are merely lessons, meant to bring her closer to self-knowledge and unconditional self-love. a good woman sent this to me (kamina)............. why don't you send it to a good woman?



The Sign of the Water Bearer
By now you should've guessed my sign; zodiac that is.  I am an Aquarius and VERY proud of it. My symbol, a Water Bearer pouring from a large jug, reveals much about this sign.  Rather than touch or drink the water, which symbolizes emotion in astrology, the Water Bearer brings the liquid of life to others. Aquarius is able to bring sustenance to human kind because it remains emotionally detached (some more than others).
Ruled by the planet Uranus, which was discovered around the time of the American and French revolutions, Aquarius embodies many of the ideals of equality, freedom, and democracy that marked those years.  The Water Bearer loves a cause--especially one that promises to make the world a better place.
Uranus was the first planet to be discovered with a telescope, so it's no surprise that Aquarius has an affinity for high technology (computers, electronics, etc...).  However, the socially conscious Water Bearer will most likely search for ways in which high technology can be used to benefit Earth and everyone living on it.

Character and Personality
Its contradictions and complexities make the Aquarian fascinating.  Here is an oddball who loves people, a reformer who keeps its personal life off-limits (very true especially with me), a genius who can't remember the date (this is definitely me).
Aquarius is a fixed (focused) air (mental) sign who is sincerely convinced its ideas are "right".  Whether it's a political, social, or family issue, the Water Bearer easily sees the big picture and works effectively at problem solving or helping others help themselves.
Aquarians are great talkers who are energized by exchanging ideas.  The Water Bearer transcends boundaries and seeks common ground.
Having many kinds of friends and circulating in different social circles is one way Aquarius maintains a wide perspective.  Aquarius understands groups, masses, and even mobs much better than it does any one individual (on this I am different I am a loner and prefer it that way).
The Water Bearer treats everyone equally: Friends, strangers, and enemies all receive the same courteous attention (NOT).  To those who would like to get closer, this behavior may seem cool.  However, Aquarius's sincere interest in what makes other tick draws people to it like a magnet.
My sign is in love with the future. Aquarius sees possibilities that may seem outrageous to others.  Aquarius principles let nothing dim their hopes for success.
This focus on the future can cause some difficulty in the present, however.  The typical WAter Bearer forgets things--names, phone numbers, appointments (This part I can RELATE to VERY much).  Such mundane matters are a real challenge for the forward-looking Aquarius.

Signs and Symbols
Each sign in the zodiac is ruled by a different planet.  Aquarius is ruled by Uranus and symbolized by a Water Bearer who carries life giving liquid to everyone.
Aquarius combines the air element of intelligence with the fixed quality of harnessed energy and has free-thinking, humanitarian tendencies.
The eleventh sign of the zodiac, Aquarius is essentially friendly, innovative, unpredictable, and eccentric.  Twenty-two is its lucky number.
The day of the week associated with Aquarius is Saturday.  This sign rules the shins and ankles.  Pure white, electric blue, and psychedelic hues are Aquarian colors.  Swans and other large migratory birds are associated with this sign.  Its gemstone is amethyst, and its metal is aluminum.  White lilacs and orchids are Aquarius's plants, and dried fruits and frozen edibles are the foods associated with this sign.

 Health and Fitness
 An air sign, Aquarius approaches health and fitness intellectually.  This sign is especially aware of how one's mental health can affect one's physical well-being.  Healing the body using mental techniques such as biofeedback, mind control, and mediation can be very effective for this sign.  Aquarius rules faith healers, and many Water Bearers are open to those with unconventional approaches to wellness.
Air signs are especially vulnerable to airborne allergies, such as hay fever and viruses (this is especially true. Let's just say one serious virus kicked my behind for a WHOLE week in the hospital).
Since Aquarius rules the ankles and shins, exercises that strengthen these areas are important.  This sign also rules the circulation, so regular exercise is also necessary.  Easy-going aerobics and group jogging appeal to the gregarious Aquarius Racquet sports, which combine mental strategy and physical conditioning, also attract this sign.

Home and Family
The Aquarius home is a retreat (a sanctuary to get away from other people)- a place for the Water Bearer to sit back and recharge its batteries.  A mix of private and open spaces will fit this sign's needs for both solitude and socializing, and a cool, no-fuss decorating style will suit Aquarius best.
Aquarius parents give their children plenty of autonomy.  All important decisions are discussed with the children, and family councils and lively dinner discussions give each child a chance to be heard.  Fairness and honesty are the values Aquarius most want to instill in their children.
Children respond enthusiastically to an Aquarius parent because the Water Bearer doesn't talk down to them.  This sign appreciates the teenage rebel and admires an independent streak.  Aquarius knows how to be a friend to a child and often remains a confidant throughout life.
The Water Bearer won't miss family holidays or reunions.  The rest of the time, however, Aquarius is usually too busy to stay in touch.

Careers and Goals
Sympathetic yet able to retain a professional distance, the Water Bearer is particularly effective in helping others organize and develop their talents.  community service and teaching are careers this sign will find meaningful and satisfying.
High technology is also a big draw for Aquarius (you ain't NEVA lied this is definitely my strong point).  The Water Bearer loves gadgets, machinery, and computers and often seeks employment in areas that use these tools to develop systems and ideas that will benefit mankind.
Innovative thinking is another Aquarius talent.  This sign comes up with ideas that are way ahead of the pack and often far ahead of their time.  Emotion doesn't cloud the Water Bearer's thinking--nor does custom.  Aquarius is honest in evaluating its progress: When an idea doesn't work, it is dropped immediately (sometimes).
Freedom to approach its work in an original way is the key to Aquarius's success in any field.

Pastimes and Play
The Water Bearer is most content in a crowd.  Church socials, family reunions, baby showers, wedding receptions--any kind of party will do for gregarious Aquarius.
Many of Aquarius's favorite pastimes involve self-improvement and community action.  Esoteric spiritual studies, astrology classes, or meditation retreats--combined wiht fund-raising, circulating petitions, or working in a soup kitchen--provide the Water Bearer with meaningfull off-the-job activities.
Technology excites Aquarius, who loves gadgets, machinery, and computers.  So it's not unusual for the Water Bearer to pass up a party to try some new computer software.
Aquarius's favorite sports emphasize speed and strategy, such as tennis and racquetball.  Team efforts such as volleyball, soccer, and relay racing also appeal to this sign.  If the sport involves a hightech machine like a sports car or power boat, so much the better (I haven't gotten that far YET).

Well now you know about my zodiac sign.  And believe me I know my compatable signs.  But just a little advice to those searching for that "perfect person", just because he OR she might have the right sign that connects with yours, doesn't mean that they are the right person for YOU.
I also know my chinese zodiac sign. hehehe:) Can you believe I'm a goat?  I guess that should suit me.  I am the last person you wanna get your ass KICKED by anyway hehehe:)  This web page below is an EXCELLENT site to find out about your own chinese zodiac sign. How in the world do you think I found out about mine?

For those who want to see different pics of me and those special 2 me click on the pic above;) I also have a HIDDEN FOLDER that is not accessable unless u want to see it (no its not nude pics)so if you want to have access let me know;)

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