A wholesome IRC chat channel at Skyinet
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Where Love, Friendship and Adventure begins...
The Aquamen - mumbaki berrylium T BuGoY aLoN
Regular Chatters:
- Pilipinas
keanu ngit aLoN Di sCullY mimin
bugoy ZeroCool CLOUD jasmine laila secret thinnie
bungal taffy Mina berrylium FLUBBER dawn kristal
HAL pOchi kitkat karen munstah Detrone Nad Valeska
T jets null aiVeE zen mo_flava Aya jasy mumbaki Pinnochio
Salad_Bar Cool_Babe keempee SinoAko Assasin Even medusa
sexy_boy TaiPan halik BoTSkY goodson lander yusuke Knights73
da_pons Sentinel iceboy Kimberly coolest & ^SWatchGirl^
- Thailand
Nagysag bokbok Deo mindrip 4will Maraya Charizze Saturn Ztony`8
- Australia
Amay bungal heaven_lea darkangel
- Canada
note: been making a new index.html but can't find a free time. Just in case you wanted to see whats the new main - click here New main page kaso nga wala eh. wala oras. malamig sydney ngayun. tulog muna.
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