Hi. I'm Urzula.
Be warned! I'm an atheist. So beware. Some of the stuff on these pages is not for the closed minded. That being said, no hate mail please. And if you're here due to the article in the IDS, remember this is a free country and we are all entitled to our opinions, whether they are popular or not. (For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, I was in our Indiana University newspaper about being an atheist.) On a lighter note, I am into crafts and stuff, especially Fimo and Sculpey III stuff. Read on if you don't know what those things are. You are really missing out if you don't try it.
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Links to the rest of my stuff
Papers I have written (and gotten A's on by the way).
- Mormonism This is a paper I wrote for a Sociology of Religion class.
- So you want to be a witch This is a paper written for the same Soc. of Religion class, but about the social structures that keep witches in a cohesive group, despite society's mixed up views of Wicca
- Female Genital Mutilation This paper about FGM was written for a Woman's Studies class.
Links to some of my friends
There will be more as my friends take that giant leap into the 21st century.
- Akram - Yes, he is in college. He's just really into Thundercats
- Becky A great Pagan site. She's linked me to her page as well.
- Maria My bestest bud since '91.
- Mike Great photos from his trip out west. He's actually my roommie now.
My Favorite Links
Email me at uurzua@indiana.edu.
Gotta take a break! All this code is wearing me out!
Please come back soon and visit me.
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