Give this bad boy a click and see us even better. ;-) Click here and check it out Brad and Luke before homecoming at his house. Us with our girls before homecoming at their school Brad and Siri Missy and Jen Us out with the women after the homecoming dance Danielle, Luke, Siri, and Brad outside Danielle's house at Halloween. Halloween at Danielle's house. Luke and Danielle Danielle all wrapped up in toilet paper!!! :o) Brad and Missy at her house.

Danielle in her costume. Missy at Halloween at Danielle's party. Luke and Danielle in Danielle's basement after the Halloween party. Luke, Danielle, and Brad after the party.

¿Sup? I'm kols_18.
Whats up peoples?! In the pictures, I (kols_18) am the tall blondish light brown haired one. My name is Luke and the shorter one is Brad, my friend. Isn't my girl friend pretty??:o) Her name is Danielle and she is gorgeous! You can send us comments or questions (doesn't that sound like a business question??:o) at either of our email addys. Brad's is and mine is
Please come back soon and visit us.

A description of my page would be:
my very hot girlfriend!

Please come back soon and visit us.

Just as a little added bonus, you get to see some of our "special friends" we found while surfing on the web. Hopefully we will be able to find more for you to gander at later on. These guys just crack me up. Enjoy!!! =Ş

The Battle of Shiloh