Hi, my name is AJ.
Hello there.  Welcome to my homepage, it is good of you to drop in.  I am slowly working at this trying to update my website, so bare with me.  I had a really old page, that I hadn't messed with in years. I decided to start new, so this is what this new site is.  Let me know what you think, drop me your ideas an opinions. 

I have different things for you to view, from my poetry, to more information about me.  I hope to be adding additional pages but it will all come in time, so be patient.

Your friend.
My Favorite Links:
My Poetry
More about me
Old Picts of Me!
March Picts of Me!
Yahoo! Games
Bio Page
Just a pict of me and Tawnie for you to see.
My Info:
Name: AJ
Email: txtawniegirl@yahoo.com
For now, I will tell you what is going on with me right here.  Currently I am working for Wal-Mart and I have since February.  This is the only job I have right now.  I am back to school for Summer II, taking Psychology Statitistics.  My teacher seems really cool, but he is going to be really hard, lots of information and detail.  Plus in the summer it goes so fast.

I am not sure how I am going to handle working and school but we will see.  I know that I am going to have to figure some time in for myself, for rest and peace of mind, but I just don't see all the time available.  I have been going out with my coworkers a lot lately.  But I know that I will not have much time when school starts.  I know where my priorities lie, and partying is definitely something that can wait.  I guess we will just have to wait and see what turns out.

The puppy in the picture is my baby, Tawnie.  She is a two year old mini dauschund.  I have quite a few picts of her that I have a link to above, check it out.

Well,  I will add more later, hope to hear from some of you.
last updated:  7/11/02