<BGSOUND SRC="/brightsp0t/beth.mid">
Welcome to da *brightspot*!!
Da *brightest* spot on da web!
da animals run rampant here....brightie loves ANYTHING as silly as she is!  :oD
It's been many, many moons since I was really brightspot...sometimes it's been so long, I wonder if this was really me.  But I know it was, and somewhere inside of me, is. 
So, as you sort through these pages, keep in mind they are relics of a lost time, when I was young and optmistic and believed that if I believed hard enough, life would reward me for my faith.  Thank you for visiting.
Yes, that's the real me...real high on cloudy drink with my Fishiesticks.  Hey...is my hair *pink*?!!?  Nevermind...click here to read my LiveJournal.  What am I thinking today?
Meet My Friends!!

Yes, believe it or not, someone actually likes me...click the puter to find out who!
Yes, I do actually have friends...LOL...I update this page so infrequently I'm losing them, though.  ;o) Click here to meet them.
Gaze Into da brightspot!!

Make sure to bring da Raybans....click the arrow when you're ready!
Don't worry 'bout what people say about staring into the sun...you won't go blind.  Click here!!
Click here to scribble on my guest wall...it's fun!! :oD
Meet da Fishstick Sistahs!!

What the heck am I talkin' about?!?  Click the fishybowl....
da FISHTICK SISTAHS!!!  Yay, yay, yay!!  :oD  Throw on ya snorkle and come on in!
Click here to read some other people's scribbles!!
If you need support, a smile, some help...whatever.  What an amazing bunch of women!!
As I know from personal experience...life.  What a beautiful choice.
Born: August 18, 1999