Welcome to Greenberg AZA's brand new web page!
I have been doing some small changes, but nothing huge because I haven't got a lot of feedback from you guys! Simon Berman is the only guy who sent me something (a profile of himself). I will post that soon under the roster. There are a number of things you need to do in order to help me make this page amazing! Here is a list of things you can do:
Click the capybara to find out a little bit about Greenberg AZA
Check out Greenberg's Upcoming events and other Greenberg news!
Check out this week's Top Ten List!
Take a look at our roster
Fill out the monthly survey
See Hank Greenberg's career statistics
Look at the brand new Greenberg Guestbook!
Email me at elaine.shapiro@moa.net
in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.
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