Welcome to Nigbear's Homepage!

Hey welcome to my page that is pretty much just a rubble of stuff....but I promise you that it will be nicer!!!!

For now though just enjoy the fact that I have a little doggy running back and forth on the page, and that I have a guestbook that I expect to see you sign before you leave!

Well after a little misshap with my older homepage, I'm slowly building up a new one!! I thought, I would like to have a different approach to this homepage, change it to the one that I had before. Rather than just rambling useless stuff down, I am rather going to spend some time to dedicate pages to my pals, and have info about music that interests me. Also I will add other things that I like to do in my free time. So go ahead and enjoy this trip, and I hope that you will enjoy the funky links that I have on this page!!!!

Happy Nation logo
Pages Dedicated to my Pals!!

The Prodigy

Milla Jovovich
Babe Watch!!


Karyn's Personal Homepage
Miguel's Homepage
Iggy's Homepage

My old and tacky homepage!!


This ISM Bearcat Webring site is owned by
Chris Browning.

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Why don't you sign this

Take a look at who already did

Hey since this is still a new page only WEIRD people have been here

While this page is still like this why don't you send me something worth reading
Chris Browning

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