Hi! I'm Adrian. This is my page...knock yourself out!
Real Audio samples

My FinKL Page

The Car
Some of my friend's homepages:
Bodhi's "Non-Existent" Page
Chung's Corner and his ride
Erick's Webpage
Pado's Homepage
PinkSoda's Place
Sailor Oberon's Homepage
Walkingcow's Page of (Figure) Skater Haikus
Sistercow's Beanie Babies
Email me your homepage if you have one...I'd love to see it!

11-18-05: Install pictures for the C1 is up. Check the Civic page.
7-27-05: C1 is in, I'll post pics when I get a chance.
6-19-05: Wow, it's been awhile since I've done something! Anyway,
just added a short shifter and seat to the bunch.
3-26-02: Installed Reverse Indiglos. Added Andrea's webpage link.
2-9-02: Added DAN's webpage link.
2-2-02: Added power door locks.
1-23-02: Michelle moved her website. New link added.
8-8-01: Added Erick and Chung's webpage links, check em out!
5-24-01: 5 more pics - wires all over and finished kickpanels.
5-10-01: First batch of stereo pics and install are up.
10-20-00: Lots and lots of pics in the Civic section. Mostly
B-Quiet, a review of the tar mats and viscoelastic deadener,
suspension upgrades and a few of those pics, some sidemarker
pics, and more.
9-9-99: Gene and Bodhi links up.
8-22-99: Real Audio samples added
8-15-99: FinKL page added
8-10-99: need more links, killed other links
updated civic page. well, just added junk...
killed updates page, chat room.

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This page was created 8/7/97