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Mother of 4 moving back to California
Hobbies and Interests:
I am originally from Southern California, and I lived there most of my life and then I had moved to several places such as North Carolina,Hawaii,Virginia and then to Georgia, where I am presently moving from. I love to dance I have done different types of dancing such as Tap,Jazz,Ballet,Hawaiian,Tahitian,Chants,and High Steppers. I have tried to learn how to do a little bit of country dancing as well.I also love to Sing,Ride Horses,Motorcycles,Hike, Bowling,and go Camping. I also enjoy making Crafts of all sorts.I enjoy spending time with my children, making people laugh and chatting with my friends on the computer,and they are Airedale,Justin,Denise,Rendeer,Pam,Linda,Kris,Terrie,Nancy,Rich,Hot,Sitter, BluWOU,funseekr43,Jaquith123,lydiadlady,skifishi,
jandkinhi,jonnyb36,wolflin,TonynCare,sarge8866, fastjoey2,ILOVEBEARS,Kwattsup,fred206,
tattoos555Honesty89,and there are so many more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;o)
I have really met a lot of very caring people on here and appreciate them all I really have to give Dock68 a lot of thanks for more or less adopting me on here. He was the first person that I talked to when I joined on AOL and he has really given me a lot of pointers on everything as well of things to beware of!;o)
There is another person that I have to give thanks to is SwtRick he has taught me a lot about the computer as well, he and his wife Swtstuff were the ones that got me to get on the computer to chat and I have really enjoyed it! Well I guess that is enough to be said for now, but All I want to say is just have a lot of fun!
Please click here to see my Cool links! :) LINKS
Also Feel Free To Down Load these two places to also talk to other people that are not AOL members, and my screen name /nic on these places are teabear and swttea. if you decide to d/l the mIRC use the undernet so I can be able to chat with you and for the ICQ you can add my screen name/nic to your list and I will do the same on mine once you have it set up ;o)
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