Please stop by my Remember America page!
To Know a little more about me

To See my Bestest Friend Kellie's Page
(and she THINKS I steal
*shocked look*
her pics of penguins...
but really I just borrow them! *giggles*)
And once your at her page
Sign her Guestbook...I'm getting
really tired of hearing her
Check out the Web Rings I belong to *s*

View some of my other Friends Homepages

Click to see my what everyone said in my first guestbook *s*

Here is another guestbook that you can sign
hint hint *hehe*
and view *S*
please come back again..
I'm learning as fast as I can *laughing*
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Email me

Ok, My brother had came to visit over this past weekend and he
made such a fuss about his name not being on my page that he said he wasn't
gonna sign my guestbook unless I meantioned him.....
so here (who has offered me alot of cash if I
added the rest here *hehe*) Mike with out who I would not be
who I am today if it wasnt for him *rolling my eyes*
and who I all everything too *more eye rolling*
and that he is the best brother a person
could ever ask for *really rolling eyes now*
Ok Mike...I hope your happy and
I expect my guestbook signed soon!! *hehe*
Really do love you bro!! *S*

Given to me my bestest friend Linda. Thanks Linda!! *wuv you* *S*hugs*
Please read this message about Kids and the internet. I think it very important!!
to view some of the applets I have made *s*
One or more of these pages have been updated on: September 9, 2005
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