Hey all you out there, I'm Liv. (Actually, its Olivia, but I'll answer faster to Liv :)) I don't really know what to babble about in here this time around; I've made some changes, but not many different from last time. I added a page for Dave Matthews Band (the best group on the face of this planet) and some graphics that I made. I just realized that I made almost all of the graphics on this page! Pretty cool, huh? I thought so. :) Well, I'm back at school, slowly losing my mind and loving every minute of it! :) I'm working on getting myself out to Scotland for a semester of study at the University of Aberdeen next spring, and things are looking pretty good. :) I can't wait. Well! I suppose I should stop babbling and let you browse. Be sure to sign my guest book!

Stuff about MeLiv's LovesLess Passionate Things
Land O' LinksPictures A Special
Thank You...
This goes out to...OdditiesMy Music Box

This is my guest pad... I lied! It does work! Please leave me a note! I'm begging here. :) Thanks!
Lookit! I'm a member of three for real webrings! :)

I wish upon *stars*!

Any suggestions? Any and all are welcome! E-mail me!

Many thanks goes to

who gave me a home. :)
Get your own place of residence here!!

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