Hi everyone!
I am currently having ISP problems with my computer at home. For some reason that I don't really know the answer to - my ISP has blocked access to ALL geocities websites. So not only can I not change mine, I also cannot view any other geocities page. Which isn't annoying enough - there's another problem with geocities. I have a set "data transfer" number - and the more times someone view my page or the more people that look at it, the higher the data transfer number. Apparently I only get a certain amount free - and if I want more I have to pay. Otherwise no one can see the pictures on my website because it's already been over the limit. I guess if you wait an hour the pictures come back - until I go over the limit. So it's nothing but problems with them at the moment. So I'm not sure what I'll do, but for now I'll have to send stuff by email. I have some pictures ready from the weekend.
LAST UPDATED: November 24th, 2003 - added to November's page - Changed this Page...
You can see what I've been up to by clicking the appropriate link below! (Right now since there is only one, you don't really have much choice but to click it!) But as time goes on and once I'm in Korea, there will be much more to read and see.
October 2003: London and Korea
November 2003: Seoul, Korea
I'd just like to say that I'm really excited this is all working! With the not so small exception - that annoying geocities banner that pops up! Darn free webpage hosts...
I really do like to get email.... *hint*hint*