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© terence's webtop
today is
what's new
august 14 - added bukit tinggi and cameron highlands to travel log.
last update : august 14, 2005
doniver's guide to kampar
random rants/quotes
i must not fear. fear is the mind-killer. fear is the little-death that
brings total obliteration. i will face my fear. i will permit it to pass
over me and through me. and when it has gone past i will turn the inner
eye to see its path. where the fear has gone there will be nothing. only
i will remain.
bukit tinggi trip
august 14, 2005 - added photos from bukit tinggi trip. [view photos]
cameron highlands
august 14, 2005 - added photos from cameron trip. [view photos]
+ photo gallery + travel log + corinthians +
the webmaster
terence beck is a hot-shot programmer with an i.t. company. for the last 4 years, his life
has been filled with constant mental blocks, bad coffee, and keyboard-fingeritis. today,
he is still a hot-shot coder, enjoying a life of mental blocks, bad coffee, and keyboard-fingeritis.
while the webmaster's life is a busy one, he can still be reached for
yam-cha or gatherings, and can be reached via terencebeck@yahoo.com
the webmaster does not guarantee the accuracy of the information on this
site or it's fitness for any particular purpose, and is not responsible
for the contents of any off-site pages referenced.
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