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Graphics-Intensive Site Crescendo StreamSiteTM (Music to Load By) - Free Software Inside
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About Crescendo!TM by LIVEUPDATE
Trademarks property of their respective makers
§ All software is downloaded directly from the maker -- either LiveUpdate, or Microsoft.
§ If you don't want the software, simply Decline when asked (Certificates will be presented).
§ Depending on your system and your browser, you may receive software from both makers.
§ You may receive Crescendo! on this site, or be asked to liveupdate.com for the download.
§ If you go, PLEASE Do Return!
§ If you Decline, this site will try to find suitable software on your system to play the music.
§ Multimedia files "stream" when they begin playing before the entire file has downloaded.
§ This is a streaming MIDI (a music file format) site. The FREE player will stream here.
§ To BUY a player which will stream on ANY MIDI site, click on the Crescendo! logo above.
"Juke Boxes" & Auto-Detach Feature
§ A "Juke Box" travels with you as you move from site to site on the web, and uses a "playlist."
§ The free player will "cruise" with you, but it has no playlist.
§ Click on Options, then on Allow Auto-Detach to free your new player from the screen.
§ The player follows you and plays each MIDI file repeatedly until it finds a new one.
§ If you BUY the better player directly from the maker, it will have a playlist.
§ I'll let the maker explain "playlist" to you.