Q: What do women and rocks have in common?
A: If they're flat, you can skip 'em.
HOT DAMN! A new look, and hopefully some boobies. And midgets.

This page is a whole lot of nothing. It looks like a bunch of crackwhores ran rampant across the screen and bastardized the damn thing. They didn't. Thats just how I run things.
Things don't work yet and I haven't figured out why. I wouldn't even be updating this if I didn't get an email from Yahoo saying that my site would be terminated if I didn't update it. Hmm, now to start cranking the wheels...
There once was a Priest, Father Nin,
Who was frequently seen with a grin.
The reason was clear;
He did not like beer,
But was fond of his Vodka and Gin!
¤ Test your skills at being funny
¤ Spank it with these great knee-slappers
¤ Do you need new tires?

This page is brought to you by the letter N and by the number

This shit is
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This web site is for everyone else's amusement. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the management.