Bubble Gum
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This page exists for everyone who has ever blown a bubble with bubble gum, but especially for those who have gotten gum stuck in their hair or clothes, or who have ever overstuffed their mouth with a giant pink wad of bubblegum, or blown a bubble the size of a beach ball, or were ever caught blowing a bubble by a teacher who made you throw it out or stick it behind your ear.
More briefly, if you love bubble gum, whether blowing bubbles or watching them be blown, this page is for you. Most likely, a lot has changed since the last time you were here, so take a look around. I hope you like the new look! Don't forget to bookmark this page, and please send me mail to let me know what you think. Please read the What's New page for news and information about the page.
Optimized for Netscape Navigator. Best viewed at 800x600. Last updated 7/5/98 by bigbubbles@geocities.com. |