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Hi Y'all! My name is Tom and I go by Stryper on the chat lines. I am single and love to meet people.  Don't be shy...come on in! Watch out for falling bytes as i am still learning this web page stuff. I am adding new things as I go so drop in often and watch these pages grow!  Thanks for your patience.  And thanks to those who are helping me know who you are! I have uploaded some pics of myself and of one of my hobbies...storm chasing!  As I get the hang of this i will upload s'more.  I also have a page devoted to my hm radio activities and will upload some pics of my station soon. 
My favorite Net places to be!
Holy cow!  it's the Chicago Cubs!
Another one for the win column...the Texas Rangers!
Talkcity..the coolest place to chat!
ICQ...find out where your friends are!  * My icq uin# is 987251 *
Yahoo Messenger
Onlive Traveler - a 3-d virtual voice program!
Now...catch me on AOL Instant Messenger!
See what the weather is like here in West Texas!
NEW!!! See the Space shuttle LIVE!!!
About me and my hobbies
O.K. here's a page of some pictures of me at work,and links to my friends' homepages.
My favorite hobby is amateur radio.  Here's some amateur radio related links to the different areas i am involved in.
NEW!  Here is my photo gallery as promised! its shots of lightning i've taken over the years.
Here's my photo gallery of my favorite rock n roll band...Nazareth!
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