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I have always wanted a site to express myself. I hope to be able to expand my horizons, and maybe have a chance to add a little sparkle while I'm here.
If I am lucky, you will laugh, contemplate, or smile while visiting.
May you find peace, love, and happiness.

Blessings and May Your Path Be Smooth...

This Site


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"There are enough destroyers and criticizers, the world needs a Healer!!"
(Todd Rundgren,"Healing"lp.1981)

Visit Gibbleguts Comic 
Daily cartoons from Gibbleguts
Visit amused.com

These cartoons will change daily

Key Resource
Links2Go Key Resource
#4 in Todd Rundgren Topic

I'd like to thank those at Link2Go and their computer for honoring me with this award. This is a very prestigious privilage and I don't know what to say.. Please click on the banner to see the top 50 in the Todd Rundgren category.

I'd like to express my deep thanks to Wynn Jera for honoring me with this award, I feel as if I don't deserve this at all. Please click on this award and visit this amazing site... Thank You, again Wynn and Mighty Blessings!!

I adopted a baby dragon to protect my page, his name is "Angelsbaby", isn't he adorable? You can also adopt one, just click on him or his birth certificate..

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