Hello & welcome to my little abode on the net . If you have been here before , you might / might not (depending on how observant you are) notice the huge makeover . Its not like i've turned into the next grim reaper , just probably a black , black phase . No , i'm not in mourning (in case you were wondering) I think its just a phase , y'know ! a girl thing . *lOl* Anyway , one thing i can't deny , is that reality bites . Lifes a bitch , eh ? And while I have access to the www. i'm gonna make the most of it & let the whole world know !!! Ok , i admit , thats being a bit dramatic *gRin* Oh hell with it ! I don't even know why i started this homepage in the first page *siGh* .......
Before you do go on , i warn you , that it might bore the hell out of you . So , please feel free , to find other forms of entertainment here
questions , comments or just plain wanna bitch in my face