I have had this page now for over a year now, and I have changed it like a million different times. This time I have decided to go for a bit of colour. Haha... and if you are reading this you are probably thinking, well I don't really care lady!! Anyway, my name is Teresa, and likely if you are here it is because I sent you. I don't seem to get many people just surfing in like I used to... ahhh... the good old days! Anyway, enough of that I suppose. Right under this paragraph is a picture of me. Taken about a year ago now, I suppose I really ought to get a more up to date picture, but well I hate having my picture taken these days.

To find out more about me, the people/places in my life or just anything in general check out the links below. Really it is just all about me, afterall this is my homepage. But I do have some stuff about my family and friends, they get a bit of a kick out of seeing themselves on my page. Quite funny really.

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