Fire Leo's Faerie Land


Bendith y Mamau

The word "Faerie" can mean many things to many different people. Most believe it to be a 'Fairy Tale' while others find it to be a lifestyle. Still others look to the Fae for answers, and for the happiness and contentment that they possess.
My interest in the Fae came from listening and watching the other believers, and i was immediately attracted. Tori, of course, being the main source. The way she puts things into 'Faerie' prospective grabbed my attention and made me want to learn more. The more I learned, the more I liked. For those who lack religion, and are against the Present Day Christian lifestyle, The Fae are a great alternative.
With the recent birth of my beautiful son Mason, i have taken on a new interest in the Fae. I want more than ever to learn all that i can. I wish to raise him in the beauty and spiritualness of the Fae. Theirs is a deep beauty, a true genuine feeling of wholeness and inner peace..A happiness that comes from giving AND recieving, loving AND allowing someone to love and understand them...the ability to captivate all with their mystery. To look at something as frail and fragile as a Faerie and see an innocent, pure being, but know that they have a hidden mischevious quality that only they can sucessfully get away with...because what they lack in 'goodness' they make up for ten-fold in 'wholeness'...I wish for my son to be a part of that. I can't wait to read him the stories that i am finding on my 'Absorbing of the Fae'....if only he had wings...
I have yet a lot to learn, and everyday i am amazed at the history of our winged friends. I'll have links and hope to be part of the ring soon. Also, i may make a page dedicated solely to Faeries. For now, this is it!

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The Maniac In Me

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Adopted Faeries


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I'm A Faerie Chick
i found tori

This tori amos ring site is owned by Faerie Chaos.

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