In memory of
Robert (Bob) Bailey

a.k.a. Two Step

These pages were designed to be viewed using the Large Text Size option on a WebTV™ browser, otherwise you may experience "technical difficulties (missing graphics, non-functioning links, improperly formatted text, etc.). So, you'd better go buy a WebTV™ browser to see what you are missing!

Weemba-Land has had the honor and privilage of having people visit since October 15th, 1997
(Thank you for being one of them!)

Welcome to Weemba-Land...
The Home Page of the USENET newsgroup alt.weemba

Feel free to browse around as much as you like!

As you can/will see, this Web Site is still new and in its "infancy stage". Please come back often, as it will be growing on a fairly regular basis!

What's Weemba-Land celebrating today? Find out on the Calendar of Events!
Click here for a great surprise from da_weemba_dj and da WBC!
(thanks, Daniel!)
Weembas... Send your Home Page URL's (along with a gif URL), Birthdays, Anniversaries, Favorite site URL's in now!!!



Weemba-Land's Calendar of Events
(To have your event included,click here.)

(Weemba Resident's Personal Web Pages)

Weemba-Land's Favorite Web Sites

The Weemba-Land WebRing
(Designed to be viewed using a WebTV™ browser)

The Weemba Scrapbook
(actual photographs of actual weembas)

Where B Weembas?
(See if you're lucky enough to have a weemba in your state!)

fool's limerickal tribute to weemba
(And yes, there IS a "man from Nantuckett" one)

The Weemba-Land Guestbook

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The Weemba-Land Staff


Computer Technical Support
David J. Blankenship
Jan (a.k.a. vpolye2)

HTML Technical Help
~Queen Micki~

Public Relations
hootie (a.k.a. Fool On The Hill)
The Fire Chief (WebRing PR)

Most of the graphics on
these pages were supplied by:

Thanks for visiting Weemba-Land...
Please e-mail us with any suggestions and/or comments you may have!

(or better yet, write them in the Guestbook!)

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