Welcome to our own Hiking page |
Our page is still under construction, so please be patient while we are bringing you the most exciting Hiking page ever. Make sure you come and visit our site soon for all the new stuff. |
We are a few friends loving the outdoors and wanting to meet people like you to share our interests with and informing you of all the fun activities we plan and organize. While we are still building our page you can contact us by e-mail for all the activities and we will directly let you know of the fun and the dates, times and places where it is happening.
Contact us at :
Alwyn - AlwynVL@shatterprufe.co.za or Eduard - ejph@pixie.co.za or Gawie - gawielr@mccarthy.co.za
Come visit soon to see all the exciting new stuff !!!
Try this out ! |
Like our page ? Please let us know by e-mailing one of the above addresses. Any input and ideas are welcome ! |
Links |
Hiking Federation of South Africa |
Africam |
Allans' Hiking Home Page |
Trail linx |
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