Hi. J  Welcome to my revamped homepage.  I think it's about time I did something to update this poor excuse for a page... and this is my answer.  I've changed my sea themed, and otherwise, mish mash of graphics... and opted for this easier to maintain set layout.  Okay... so it's the same old me, but, basically, I just got lazier.

I can't really remember what I ever found to write about on the front part of the old page... so just explore around this new page and see what you think.  If I think of anything else that's worth saying, I'll update it again soon.

About Me - For those of you who are interested enough to care. J There are some pictures of me here, as well as some snippets about my personal life.  Nothing too personal, though.

Poetry - Just a few of poems that I like.  I don't claim to have written these, and I give credit where credit is due. 

Urban Myths - I started this page before, when I was looking for something to update regularly.  The updating didn't really happen, but the page is still here. J

Webrings - This page contains a list of Webrings and other things that I belong to. 

Awards - Here you'll see the awards that my page has won.

Virtual Gifts - online presents that I've been given.

Cyber Adoptions - Little bundles of cyber joy...

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I got my graphics from Web Therapy!
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Visitors since 4th October 1998