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The current time is 4:20, hell it's 4:20 all the time

Hey! Im Chris and this is my web page.....

My Life, Part II Well, here I am. I just finished writing my admissions essay to Bucknell. I see absolutely no way they wont accept me, but anxiety is unavoidable. I want to go to Bucknell because it's the key to my future, if I do well at Bucknell I can go on to get a Masters in Psych and then go on to get a Doctorate. I want to be a Psychologist, always have. I dont think Im gonna be just clinical however, I want to do research, teach, and help people. At the same time, I think I might want to own a Motorcycle shop/repair place or something like that. Theres so much that needs to be done during this life and it is sooo short! I still need to travel and meet people and such and learn cause I got so much intelligence but so little experience in the world! I know NorthEast Philly and that's pretty much it. There's a whole damn planet out there, I just need to go find it. It's kinda like you have to tell life you want to learn by pursuing and being persistant. I met this really cool girl Melissa recently, she's at the University of Montana and doesnt like it so everyone mail her and say hi and wish her a good day or what have you. Click here to mail her! Anyway, on the topic of my motorcycle, my Mom and I have a bet, she said that if I can sell my beloved bike for $1200 she'll see the $1200 (so I in effect get $2400 for the bike!) Needless to say Ive littered the net and cluttered untold bandwith trying to find free classifieds. If anyone wants to by an immortal 82 Kawi KZ750 (four cylinder kind) that runs beautifully, new battery, etc etc etc than mail me! And if you wanna give me a Virago 699cc's or higher, Ill take one of those as well! Right now Im listening to the new Sheryll (spl?) Crow CD, it rocks and I think everyone should get up off their asses and buy it! I wanna say hey to my boy Adam who has now lost about 75lbs and is looking great! Girls, he's available and fun to hang out with so mail me if you want his number (I gotta plug someone....) Alright, that's it for right now, Im trying to write another book so if anyone has any ideas tell me....What else...my cousin Nicole is getting married this weekend and I wish her and hers the best.

And here are the awards that people just keep giving me for my wonderful
web page (which gets about 100,000 hits a week!).

alright, alright, I stole them, but if they knew me Im sure they would give me these awards in a heartbeat!

Okay, here's another attempt at making my page more modular:

(links not activated just yet)
  • Pictures of people (guaranteed to take a long time to load)
  • Pictures of my motorcycle
  • My music sub-page
  • A collage (soon to come)
  • Go to my Chess sub-page
  • Clockwork Orange/cool movies sub-page
  • And I know everyone cant wait for my personal rantings
  • page. It'll be here soon!

    Here's my counter, it represents the number of people in millions

    of hits, not single hits....

    Links to other sites on the Web

    City Paper, the Philly newspaper
    93.3 WMMR
    For everyone not in the know, How To Flirt
    Blur Of Insanity (I think that's what they're calling it)

    Dammit! Im tired of being polite, I get all these hits and no one signs my GuestBook. Sign it or Im gonna hunt you down... You can:

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