Hi welcome to all that have come to visit my world!! I'm Lissa also known as Peanut! It was suggested to me that I might want to tell all those that might be interested a little bit about myself!
So here goes! If you hadn't noticed already I just love to surf the web looking for things to add to my pages. It's a hobby of mine that takes up allot of my spare time! (What little I have!) I also really enjoy meeting new people and learning about them! I believe in having fun while surfing around, so if you happen to see me be sure and say HI, I'll alway's answer you!! I have never been known for my shyness!! In fact there are some out there that seem to think I need a gag!! (You know who you are!!) *S* One of my motto's is to smile and be happy!! It's really the only way to be! Life is just to short to worry about all the small stuff, it seems to work itself out in the end!! So live each day to the fullest and enjoy every minute of it!!!
Now some more about me!! I have two beautiful daughters, one is my heart and the other is my soul! (And Karma!) They are as different as night and day!! Being a mother has been one of the greatest experiences of my life! (Not to mention keeping me on my toes!) But I wouldn't trade them for the world!!!
I have traveled extensivley, and just love it!!! I spent 3 years in Europe. (Boy did that open my mind and eye's!) But what an experience it was!!! Something that made a definate impression in my life and way of thinking!!! Now I work in healthcare, and I really enjoy it!! There's nothing like the feeling of bringing a smile to a lonely face and watching it light up with joy!!! Or giving a needed hug, and having it returned ten fold!!
I have learned allot in my life and travels and met allot of interesting people, all of whom I owe a great deal to for helping me be the person that I am today!! I believe that your never to old to learn and experience new things, for knowledge is unending!! So I live my life day by day and enjoy every minute of it!! I hope you do to!! So there's a little bit about me! If you want to know more why just ask!!! Because I never tell all!!! And don't forget to SMILE alway's!!!