my site for cool pictures and hot links
Last updated : Wednesday, April 26, 2000
hits received since April 1999
April, 2000... Yeah, it's been a year since I set up this page... not much traffic, huh? Well, its a personal site, so I don't expect people rushing in... Anyway, I had a great trip to Washington,DC, had the best time with My Man and of course ate a lot of good food, hope I can go back soon.
Today I got some hillarious Sport Quotes which I'd like you read (if you can take a joke that is), just go to my humorpage
jokes. Well, that's all for now. "I'll be back!"
March, 2000... This time it has been even longer since my last update, guess you can see I have been busy. Latest news: I will be visiting the US early next month. Yeah, it's quite exciting since I have never been there and this will be a very special vacation because I will be having a good time with My Man!
Tell you more when I get back, okay.... ciao for now.
December,1999...Yes, it has been a long time since I have updated or even visited my own page. Well, there is a very logical explanation: I was otherwise occupied and just did not have much time for anything else than my man, whom I met on the net!
So I just have to say that I will enter the new millenium in a new found happiness.
I wish the very same for all of you who take the time to visit my little place on the web.
Happy New Year 2000 - have a good one!!
September,1999...First of all Geocities just smashed my Guestbook, so I had to put in another (I chose not to use geocities again... but, and 'cause they made it impossible to transfer entries from the old one to the new book, I just left the good ol'book for view.
Then I'm still working on my pictures - God does it take long! - I'm still trying to figure out the best way to put in thumbnails so it will not take ages to load them, and also I have to scan some more interesting ones...
August,1999...This month I will be setting up 2 new additions: my photoalbum (a collection of stupid pics of me and my family), and a joke & humor page, I'm not making up my own jokes, but copied the ones I liked best from Joke-sites. So if you're in a funny mood or you want to know what I look like... as soon as the pages are halfway finished, you'll find a link right here!
July,1999...Hey, what do you think about the Geocities and Yahoo! merger? I think it's great, because I already had a Yahoo!ID, so this makes things even more easy. The newest feature on my page: I just got a Geocities Search Box... check it out and let me know how it works, hope you'll enjoy it......
I also found a gamesite on, they provide links to put games on your homepage, so if you'd like to try this, click here
Also I flipped the monthly entries, so you can see what's new right on top (for you who have been here before) so you don't have to read / scroll threw the old stuff again. And I've put my favorite links on a separate page - no, there isn't much there yet, but I'm working on it.
...and please somebody sign my guestbook....thanks a lot!
June,1999...So it's the last week of June now, I have been entered into the SouthBeach Keys Webring and have submitted my URL to a bunch of search engines (a great tip I found on Yahoo!Message Boards posted by William Royce: gets you on several engines at once!). So I hope it works and I'll get a lot of hits in the future - at least somebody finally signed my guestbook!......
May,1999...Well, sinds I registered with geocities in April, I have managed to add 3 more pages which you can visit through the links further down this page. Ok I'm still just guessing, so don't expect too much, the third page is my dutch page, still partly in english, with links to my next 2 dutch pages which I filled with tips on house plants and amateur gardening stuff, and tips and tricks on good looks, stuff about fitness and make-up, so those pages are a bit girly, but ok I haven't come up with anything more interesting yet... Bare with me, I'm really trying! ....
April,1999...So, here
I am still trying to figure out how to build this site...most of all I wanted to have my own homepage just to store all my favorite links, and then I thought it would be a great way to let my friends and family get in touch and show them some cool pictures and stuff.
...and now I'm pretty much stuck with this thing, I wish someone would tell me how to work it, it sure isn't as easy as I thought!
Well, I'm learning HTML now, there are some tutorial sites that help a lot, I put a link to one of them on the bottom of this page... I also started a second page where I put some
personal information about me. Let's just see how far I get...
How about some pictures of my favorite band :
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my favorite Bon Jovi link : Little Jon's BON JOVI homepage
check it out, it's really cool!
just in case you want to know more about myself, click here
I'm also half dutch, click here to go to my Dutch Page
natblabla3 - dutch stuff
this is also where you will find the tips & tricks pages
If you have any suggestions or constructive criticism for this page, please e-mail me, I really need some tips on how to make this site more useful.
or just get Yahoo!Pager, the best way to have an undisturbed chat, you can call on me by entering my yahoo!id 'nat1nat' :
and of course I would be very happy if you signed my guestbook :
My Guestbook
View Old Guestbook
This Tutorial got me going, check it out...
You will also find some great free stuff for your own page here:
One of the best starting points:
Ok, I moved my links on a separate page, hopefully I'll find the time to fill my list with all the links I've got in my Bookmarks...
go here to find my stuff : favorite links
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All pictures,graphics and backgrounds on my pages come from various free sites and as far as I know are not copywrited or free for personal use.