
Hey there people,
My name is marie but my m8'ts call me kc because they do ?
i am 15 years old,
and i live in NZ. But was born in the UK.
i love talking to guyz and meeting new people !!!!!
so if u r keen 4 a chat then just send me a e-mail and i will send ya 1 back l8ter. :)


Yahoo! Chat

Yahoo! Games

My hobbies well really what i like 2 do is to have fun, and have a great time with my m8'ts !
And go to the movies or go spend some money.

Well my family are all nice and i am the youngest child of 3.
I have 1 sister who is 19 & 1 brother who is 16
and then my parents who are yeah my parents and my baby Mya (my dog) 

Well my friends are all cool and i like them lot's they are always there 4 me when i need them and i am there for them as well. I get on really good with my friends as i do ot hold ne grudges against ppl and they say that they like me for that. They also so say that i am a neat friend as i am nice to be with and cool to hang about.