<BGSOUND SRC="/ltinlovrboy/">
**The Buzz
**Love Poems
**Brown Pride
**Knock, knock
**Free E-mail
**Got Milk?
Check out these cool sites:
Comments? E-mail me anytime, Ray
Here are some of my poems if ya like to read poetry (Hope ya likez):

El Corazon
Always Put Up Una Buena Pelea
Si Pudiera
Amor Lejano
I Miss You So
Just Friends
It Doesn't Seem To Matter
Blossom of Love
Loved and Lost
La Pregunta  
look hez flyin' !!!
Here are the firzt zetz of zpanizh verzez dat I've put on here. queztionz or commentz are ztrongly recomended.

love and regret verzez

funny verzez

Here are a couple of other ways to get in contact with me...

Yahoo: LtinLovrBoy          AOL: LtinLvrboy
Cpixel: _zyko_          My Space: zyko_ray
my favorite karakter... Taz!!!
WZUP!!  My name iz Ray Chavez and thiz iz my homepage. I am 23yrz OLD and live in Houston, Tx.  Umm ok wut elze u wanna know, i like to dance, read, write, go krazy, umm my nikname iz zyko for obviouz reazonz.... I'm a zhy perzon when it kome to meetin gurlz, if u kan beleive dat, but I am.  I am at da moment single and lonely.... :( Hit me up if u wanna get to know me better...  ~~~~~~~~ugly me~~~~~~~~~~~>>>>>

     But anywayz, if u hv vizited b4, I did fix up da picz up a bit.  All you do iz look at da thumbnail u wanna z and klik on it to z da full pic.  Maybe dat way i kan put up more picz.

     Ok before you go u hv to z diz pikture uf a baby.  I know dat whoever zeez diz pik iz goin to like
The Baby
ooooohh el cucuy
oooohhh ahhhhhh
burn baby burn!!!
now diz u kant hv
Last updated on Friday, September 30, 2005
Check out my account on My Space*