Welcome one and All
Updated on 9-23-99
I guess that it is about time to edit my home page. I know I have been lacking in the ambition to do so, but don't we all get that way at times?
There have been a lot of changes in my life since I was last here and I will let you all in on the news as you go through the pages of my life in the continuing saga of life as seen through my eyes.
I still think that the geobuilder sucks big time, but as far as the slam on Geocities that had previously been on this page, all is forgiven, and I have to thank them for the space to air my ramblings to the world.
Please come on in and check out what's new and remember, it is always nice to have you sign my guest book. It is cool to see what you all have to say and who visits the pages I write. I will see you all inside so please
(At your own risk!)