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December 19, 1998
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Life Should Be An Adventure!!!
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This picture was taken aboard the Sea Hunter dive boat anchored at Cocos Island Costa Rica in June of 1997. We had seen hundreds of hammerhead sharks schooling on every dive as well as 25' Mantas. We were 300 miles out in the Pacific Ocean about 5 degrees North of the equator. I am the big ugly guy all the way to the left.
Africa Pictures
Rovos Rail Blue Train
More Africa Pictures
Bimini 1999 Pictures
Cozumel 1998 Pictures
Statue of Dr. Livingston in Zambia at park overlooking Victoria Falls and the Zambezi River.
They call Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe The Smoke That Roars. When you see the mist rising up from the parched plain and you are enveloped by the thick roar of falling all makes sense.