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who am I?

my personality is well described on this horoscope:

The Celestial Dragon

(my chinese astrology horoscope)

As the noble animal symbol that represents the Chinese emperors, Dragons are born leaders and masters of ceremonies. And because of this, every Chinese parent is hoping to have a Dragon child. Dragon people get things started and keep them moving. They are feisty and gifted with power and luck. Most people look up to the Dragon. Dragons are born monarchs. As far as they can see, their power is indisputable. Dragons are idealists, perfectionists, they are born thinking they are perfect and they are inflexible. Dragons are also aggressive and determined, going after what they want is second nature to them. And due to their hunger for power, Dragons are not well suited to growing old. The prospect of losing power, the helpless feeling of youthful strength ebbing away is unbearable to them.
Irritable and stubborn, the Dragon is a real big mouth and his words often outrun his thoughts. Nevertheless, his opinions are worth listening to and his advice is always good. People do, in fact, listen to him and his influence is considerable. The Dragon is over-proud. He is enthusiastic to the point of impetuosity, and he loses his temper easily.
Dragons are dauntless, dynamic and delightful. When a Dragon enters a gathering, the room starts to simmer. The Dragon carries a self-assurance so impressive, and inflated ego so visible and a mouth so loud that it is useless to try to tell him anything. Dragons are tyrannical. They hate orders except when they are giving them. Unlike the Tiger, who imposes his will seriously and firmly, the Ox, whose authority is implied in his very stern demeanor, or the Rat, who thrusts his dominion over others, the Dragon knows innately how to exert authority yet be gentle with his slaves. Dragons are terrible snobs. Although money is not always the object, they are slavishly impressed by wealth, prestige, rank and splendor.
The Dragon is gifted, intelligent, tenacious, willing and generous. He can do anything. No matter whether the Dragon chooses an artistic career, medical or political one, he is going to shine in it. He will be a success wherever he goes.

The Dragon is often loved. He is never disappointed in love. In fact, he is frequently the cause of some drama of despair...



I believe!



Beyond our tears there is laughter.

Beyond our despair there is hope.

Beyond our loneliness we find each other.

Beyond our fears there is release.

Beyond our controls there is freedom.

Beyond everything there is LOVE.

Let us walk together beyond all these things to receive the gift of LIFE.



Love is not primarily a relationship to a specific person, it is an attitude an orientation of character which determines the relatedness of a person to the world as a whole, not toward one object of love...

If I truly love one person I love all persons,

I love the world,

I love life.

If I can say to somebody else


I must be able to say , I love in you everybody,

I love through you the world,

I love in you also myself



"Some people come into our lives and quickly go.:

Some people move
our souls to dance. They awaken us to understanding with the passing
whisper of their wisdom.

Some people make the sky more beautiful to
gaze upon., They stay in our lives for awhile,. and leave footprints
on our hearts forever"


my mind , my visions, my work, my hobby...

Lake0pi.gif (11240 bytes)



movies goldendude.gif (9331 bytes)

psychedelics magicbus3.gif (15486 bytes)



jewel.jpg (18830 bytes)

cyberspace aguide94b.gif (8610 bytes)


k.gif (8954 bytes)


galaxy_mentor.gif (29050 bytes)


dreamtv.gif (57946 bytes)


clapton.gif (4144 bytes)


bigsur.gif (26929 bytes)


bindd2.gif (18439 bytes)


anifreehemp.gif (25275 bytes)

reincarnationgoodomen.jpg (34362 bytes) meditation

nepal_t.gif (26840 bytes)

if you share my visions or are interested in exchange thoughts on any of the topics

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May the long time sun shine upon you

All LOVE surround you

and the pure light within you guide your way on...

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