Sarah's Homepage

Sarah died on 9th July 1999, aged 16, from an infection after receiving a half-match bone marrow transplant. Her family wish to leave her website as it was, in her memory.If you wish to contact the family for any reason please use this email address
Rest in peace, my love.

Hi! I'm Sarah, and this is my newly revamped homepage.

A little about me -
I'm 16. I live in the south of England, but I'm originally from Hong Kong. I'm Chinese.
When I was a year old, I was diagnosed with retinoblastoma - eye cancer. After radiotherapy, I recovered. I now have only one eye. I don't remember much about the whole thing, which, I guess, is why it's not such a big deal for me. In my opinion, it's a lot better to have cancer when you're that young, because it's not something you'll remember for the rest of your life.
However, about a month ago, I was diagnosed with leukaemia. Naturally, I was upset, as was the rest of my family, but it's actually surprising how quickly you move beyond shock and self-pity.
To tell you the truth, it's not as bad as it sounds. I know that technically, I should feel that it's unfair that I get cancer twice, but I don't. Sh*t happens, and there's nothing you can do about it but let it.

This homepage is to show that I can be normal too. That when you look at someone with cancer, you should remember that they're people too, that they have their interests and their personalities, their sense of humour.

I've put up all sorts of stuff about me - my favourite things, stuff about my cancer - on this page. This is my shrine to me, if you want it put that way. So first of all, there's a page of stuff I've written. Then I have a whole load of links, a guestbook which you can sign or view, a page about my leukaemia, a photo album, a page of tributes to people I know, and two other things I'm particularly proud of.
The first is a bookshop. It took me forever to look up all the books and their numbers and pictures and then write up my little reviews, so I hope somebody goes to have a look at it. You don't have to buy a book, just look at my recommendations.
The second is a discussion board. I thought a discussion board would be a lot better than a chat room, mainly because there are so few people around. I've had a chat room before and it's always been empty. So this time, I thought you could leave your messages and let other people reply to them. The point of the board is to provide support to all us kids with cancer, so if you have cancer, or someone close to you has cancer, feel free to ask questions there or just tell us how you're feeling. We're all in the same boat.

Me and the gang
L. to R. Me, Kat, Mill, Tash, and Anna in the front.
Taken when we were about 13/4

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My writing | Tributes | Links | E-mail me | Sign my guestbook | View my guestbook | About my leukaemia | Photo album | My bookshop | Discussion board

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