Kat Lindquist~~Alive and Kicking

Welcome one and all to my new and very much improved web page.
For those of you who have only seen my WBS page before (which no longer exists), get ready for a big surprise.
As you can tell, I have moved to GeoCities and have found the artistic freedom to be lovely.
No more limits on how many pictures you can load in...no more running out of room.
In any case, now that I am here, I might as well tell you that this is just the front door
to many interesting places and images in my site.
Oh, a few words about the JavaScript below in your little window. Because that is running, you won't be able to see where the links I have on this page will take you. For that, I apologize. Since the codes for this are pirated, I don't know which part I could fix that would make the message scroll only once. I wish I did, and if you can help me out on this, it would be greatly appreciated. In any case, Most links are either labelled or are pretty obvious as to what they would go to. I'll review this at periodic intervals to make sure there's no confusion.
Because most of my pages are graphic-intensive, they may take a few moments
to load up, so please be patient. Feel free to download any graphic
I have displayed that is to your liking.
I stole all of mine off the net and put links on my last page as to where I got them.
In regards to using these images, please download them.
Don't link to the image from your site. Thanks.*s*

While wandering about, please sign my guestbook and give me
your impressions of how I have done.
Come and visit my Forum (follow link below). If you have an issue you want to talk about, a beef to get off your chest, a raving review of some hot new movie or TV show....or ANYTHING really, pop on by Where Anything Goes and leave your opinions for the public. At the very least, you'll get a response from me. *hugs to all!*

I promised more pictures...and it may have taken me some time, but I have delivered! Follow the link below to my very own online photo album.
Me, my friends, my family, and other assorted loved ones!
It's still under construction, but there are some there for your perusal. *grin*
This page is my first time with intensive(for me)HTML, and if you have any suggestions,
I'd be glad to have them.
ALSO, be sure to come back on a regular basis to Poet's Corner to see the new additions.
If you have any of your own, I'd be happy to put them on that page
(follow the links to see rules for The Corner).
This site has been awarded! Yes indeedy. My sincerest thanks to Wynterfyre (rage) for so honoring my efforts. *huge hugs*

For those Mystery Science Theater 3000 fans who are interested in tape trading, please go to
Kat's Bare Bones Homepage

And now, without further ado....My Page.