Specky's Home Page


I am a Maine Coon cat, I live in Miami, Florida.
I spend most of my day napping on waterbed
satin sheets. ocassionaly I go outside to check
things out and watch for birds or lizards.

I mostly enjoy showing off and being the
center of attention.

Mayi Snoozzing Specky ZZZ....please don't disturb!

Mayi is my human.

I have to watch out! because lately she spends too much time chatting
on PC and forgets to keep my food bowl full, (without any crumbs) and
my water nice and fresh. I am often forced to sit on the keyboard
or jump on the monitor to get her attention!
Arg...I wish that darn PC would break!!


Humm, you thought all I did was sleep all day!! who do you think builds PC's and puts up these web sites? I am overworked!

Sites that I have done:

Friday in LA Krew and COI 
 COI Backstage
 LA Party 1  
 LA Party 2 
 LA Party 3 
 LA Party 4 
 LA Party 5
 LA Party 6
Santa Monica...Keep me away from the water!

More Skating links:

Ilia Kulik's Chat Room
SkateWeb The Figure Skating Page
Tom Collins CHAMPIONS ON ICE Figure Skating Tour
** CANADA@NAGANO ** High-Band Ontario
Skating Articles from this season
Figure Skating in Russia
Aleksandr Abt - News & Fan Forum
Kurt Browning
Oksana News!
The Alexei Yagudin Board Message Board

Ilia texas interview...have to go 21 min into it
napping specky and bambi
DON't email me!! I am too busy!!

Email human Mayi at mayi@pobox.com

The "Other" Cats
Lulu (Pelusita) Lulu


Yahoo! Mail
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TravelWeb: On-line Reservations for Hotel and Airline Travel
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All Regions of Russia
The City on Neva river: Sankt-Peterburg.
The Ballet Archive
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