Hi....My name is Sarah and as you can prolly already tell this is my home page...I'm going for the mystical look so when i'm done every page (or almost every page) will be something diff mystical...(e.g. fairies unicorns...) I know it's lil girly-ish but i dunno i think it's purdy...well enjoy and try and make an effort to go see my buddies poems cuz they are really good...thnx =0)
My BuDdIeS pOeMs YoU sHoUlD rEaD 'eM.... I aM sTaRtInG a SaIlOr MoOn ArT gAlLeRy!
[Poems] [Quote Of The Day]
© 1997 clovey14@yahoo.com
Since June 26 1998
Since March 13 '99
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hehe...juss go there..thanx fer the idea justin!
Trey's page...it kix!
had to put this here..they gave me the space to make this!
ICQ! it's awsome you gosta get it!
i think this is adam's page! it kix!
This is TimeQuakes Page =0)
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