Thanks for dropping by! Gracias por haber venido.

Hello for those who don't know me, my name is Carla Kings SOY SALVADOREŅA y una Hardcore PERICA antes de venirme a vivir a Canada. I have graduated from the University of Western Ontario with a Biology and Environmental Sciences Degree. I am now finishing my Dental Hygiene Certification.

I'd like to thank my vewy good friend Kevin the KID, who spent minutes fixing the worm in my page.

By the way if you liked that kitty you can find more @ www.nsgraphics.com/catgraphics/index.html

You may click on the pictures to make them bigger at any time.

Si gustas dale un click a cualquier foto para hacerla mas grande.

This is my family.

From left to right Beto,Carla,Juan,Dina and my mom.

This is my mother,me and Dina.This picture was taken in El Salvador 2000.

That's me on YOUR left (a TU izquierda)and my friend Paula on YOUR right.You may click on the picture to get a MUCH closer view, dale un click a la foto y me podras ver MAS de cerca.

and this is Me and Louie (my fiance) at my University graduation 2000.

This photo was taken Jan 2003.

These are my Sorority sisters from left to right me, christine and kim.

this is me and Nancy.

These are my long time friends/sisters from El Salvador, from left to right Marielos, Carmen, Me and Ana Liszt.

This picture was taken Nov 2003.

You can email me at calatish@hotmail.com
Please come back soon and visit me OR if you can't wait and wish to see more pictures of me and my friends you may do so by going to www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Residence/4812/index.html

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